Repairing, Restoring and Repurposing Old Decking: Tips. Ideas and Facts
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Repairing, Restoring and Repurposing Old Decking: Tips. Ideas and Facts

A deck is a beautiful outdoor asset to your home, and the right deck can make your living space seem larger. Hi, my name is Jackie, and I am a lover of all things related to the home. I enjoy decorating, repairing, restoring, and reading about ideas and even cleaning. Thanks to the success of our family business, I am able to work from home, and as I spend so much time here, I want it to look beautiful. If you want to have a beautiful home, I want to help you as well. In this blog, I am going to focus on decks in particular. I want to talk about repairing them, restoring them and reusing their old wood in new projects. If you want ideas or inspiration, I invite you to stay, take a look and enjoy these posts.

Repairing, Restoring and Repurposing Old Decking: Tips. Ideas and Facts

How Should You Heat Your Tiny House?

Esperanza Arias

The idea that the more things you have, the happier you will be is increasingly falling out of favour. As a result, people find themselves rattling around in big houses and filling up those houses with wardrobes of clothes and lots of hi-tech gadgets they don't need – and none of it is making them any happier.

What this means is that some people are choosing to sell out throw out their stuff, and pare down their lives by constructing their own "tiny houses." Tiny houses are normally new builds that are so small that they are affordable to build. The pared-down lifestyle a tiny house demands makes people happier and it instantly frees them from endless mortgage payments.

As with any new build, there are a hundred things to take into consideration with a tiny house, and choosing a heating service is one of these things. A plush central heating system is likely to be too overpowering for a tiny house, and yet you still want to keep warm in the winter months - so what are your options?

Woodstove. If you have never lived in a tiny house before, think about holidays you might have had in wooden cabins and how they are heated. Very often, nothing more than a sturdy rug on the floor for insulation and a small, old fashioned woodstove is all that is required for the heat you need. A woodstove also conjures powerful ideas of self-sufficient living that are often appealing to tiny house owners. Choosing a woodstove is, however, not the end of the decision-making process. You will also have to think about sustainable woods you can burn, and how smoke from the stove will be released from your home.

Propane. An individual propane heater is also a good option for tiny houses because they can be purchased in small sizes. Many of them come with built-in air circulation so you don't have to worry about providing an air source to keep the fire burning. Another great thing about propane is that you can live totally "off the grid" and it will still work. Just take out your propane heater from storage when you need it in the winter and put it out of sight during the rest of the year.

Solar heating. The great thing about building a tiny house from scratch is that you can make it completely green from the ground up, and this means that you can introduce solar panels into your building plans that will generate heat from the natural power of the sun. With solar panels and a generator, you are in business.  
